hoan carrd

basic stuff
hoan (hwaa-n)
16, viet, nonbinary lesbian, tme
they / them
no gendered terms unless we’re close
priv - oomfs only
nico di angelo

don’t follow if
nsfw acc, edtwt, proshipper, have bad vibes idk
i might not fb if
you mostly tweet about things i’m not interested in, ia or mostly rts, i dont see the notif when u follow me
(i don’t rlly check my notifs or following a lot so if u want a fb pls interact!!)

before you follow
i don’t really tw or cw unless it’s smth graphic, idc who u stan but i dont tag neg of anyone, do not act jokingly rude with me unless we are oomfs
**im planning on making a new carrd with more info later!!